
The primary objective of Type 6 Hope and its accompanying book is to provide fellow
humans a source of genuine, pragmatic hope during tyranny. In the longer term, Type 6 Hope has been designed to help end the
unnecessary suffering and bigotry of humankind. This appears to be rooted in the adoration of monetary systems and the profit motive centuries if not millennia after its usefulness and appropriateness have passed.
In general these objectives are sought to be achieved by stimulating evolution. This begins with providing people the information they need to see, rather than information chosen specifically to terrorise, limit, distract, and paralyse them. All people make better decisions when the data those decisions are based upon is complete, rather than deliberately censored. As such, Type 6 Hope can be considered a champion of free speech and freedom of expression.
Alas, even when censorship can be penetrated and people exposed to uncensored information for the first time, they tend to experience cognitive dissonance. Type 6 Hope then provides support through this difficult, life-changing process with logical and scientific principles, seminal empathic articles, online Q&A sessions, individual one-on-ones, and speaking opportunities that enable interpersonal communication en masse.
Type 6 Hope then assists the individuals who have already made this journey to help others, if they wish, through the same evolutionary process. Positive role models whose experience can help others are identified and championed, and positive evolutionary outcomes are recorded and then templated for others to follow. It should be noted that Type 6 Hope is not 'above' or 'administering' this process, but part of it, since learning and evolution are multi-faceted, and ongoing.
In a small but fundamental difference from independent news sites, Type 6 Hope strives to go one logical step further by providing practical guidance on how to create individual, then local, then widespread change for the better. It is not enough to simply highlight a problem without simultaneously working on a solution. The difference between type 6 and the other eight human personality types on Earth is that sixes seek to solve problems in such a way that the problem can never reoccur. Type 6 Hope is an expression of that characteristic.
The other notable type 6 characteristic embodied here is the backhanded compliment. While the site and its information can be depended upon to have been researched thoroughly, and extremely beneficial in the long-run, it will sting in the short-run as truth often does. That sting more resembles the sting of disinfectant on a fresh wound than the sting of a wasp though, mimicking the type 6 characteristics of analysis, caution, trustworthiness, responsibility, and long-term trouble-shooting.
You are in a place that discards false hope or 'hopium' in favour of
real hope, where it is safe to publicly ask questions and express thoughts and
ideas, and where judgement is suspended in favour of healthy wit and empathy.