Red Pill Expo to be unleashed to the world for free
An annual event that is the brainchild of one of Earth's greatest activist scholars and researchers is to be offered free to the entire planet for the first time.
The first 'Red Pill Expo' created by G. Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and others, held 12th August 2023 in Des Moines, Iowa, attracted some of the leading lights of human emancipation, including British nurse whistlelblower Kate Shemirani, covid jab toxicity guru Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and the notoriously extrovert Alex Jones. This year's expo has already drawn similarly high-calibre speakers and, for the first time, will be made accessible via livestream from a yet-to-be-disclosed location.
The purpose of the Red Pill Expo, in its own words, is to, "...help truth seekers understand how the world really works – contrary to commonly held illusions." Attendees can expect to learn life critical information regarding NGOs and their sociopath backers who pull the strings behind frauds such as fractional reserve banking, or the coercive control of worldwide education and healthcare systems.